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Narhari Parikh
133rd Birth Anniversary of Narhari Parikh.
- Narhari Parikh was a significant figure in India’s freedom movement, particularly known for his close association with Mahatma Gandhi and his role as a social reformer.
Role in India’s Freedom Movement:
- Association with Gandhi: Parikh became actively involved in the Indian independence movement after meeting Gandhi in the early 1910s.
- He joined the Sabarmati Ashram in 1916 and worked alongside Gandhi on various initiatives aimed at improving social conditions in Gujarat.
- His efforts were focused on combating issues such as untouchability, alcoholism, and illiteracy, as well as promoting women’s rights and education.
- Kheda Satyagraha (1918): Parikh played a crucial role in the Kheda Satyagraha, which was organised to support farmers who were unable to pay taxes due to famine conditions.
- Alongside leaders like Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel and Mohanlal Pandya, he helped mobilise villagers and provided political leadership during this significant revolt against British colonial taxation policies.
- The movement was marked by its discipline and unity among the peasants, who refused to pay taxes despite facing severe repercussions from the authorities.
- Bardoli Satyagraha (1928): Parikh also contributed to the Bardoli Satyagraha, where he was involved in organising local resistance against unjust tax increases imposed by the British government.
- His participation in this movement helped solidify his reputation as a key leader within the Gandhian framework of non-violent protest.
- Later Contributions: In addition to his activism, Parikh served as the registrar of Gujarat Vidyapith and managed the Harijan Ashram.
- He was also instrumental in implementing Gandhi’s educational initiatives, including the Vardha Rashtriya Shikshan Yojana.
- After Gandhi’s assassination, Parikh continued to document and promote Gandhian philosophy through editing Mahadev Desai’s diaries and writing about khadi economics.
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