Lala Hardayal

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Lala Hardayal


140th Birth Anniversary of Lala Hardayal. 



  • Lala Hardayal was a prominent Indian nationalist revolutionary
  • He is best known for his pivotal role in the Ghadar Movement, which aimed to overthrow British colonial rule in India. 


Early Life and Education:

  • Hardayal was raised in a large Kayastha family and was influenced by various ideologies, including those of the Arya Samaj and revolutionary figures like Giuseppe Mazzini and Karl Marx
  • He excelled academically, earning scholarships to study at Oxford University, but ultimately rejected a career in the Indian Civil Service to pursue revolutionary activities instead.


Founding the Ghadar Party:

  • In 1913, Hardayal co-founded the Ghadar Party in Astoria, Oregon, alongside other expatriate Indians. This party aimed to mobilise Indian immigrants in North America to participate in an armed struggle against British rule. 
  • The Ghadar Party became a crucial platform for disseminating revolutionary ideas and organising resistance against colonial oppression.


Key Activities:

  • Publication of Ghadar Newspaper: The party published a weekly newspaper named Ghadar, which spread its revolutionary message among Indian immigrants worldwide. This publication was instrumental in raising awareness about the independence movement and galvanising support for armed rebellion.
  • Mobilisation of Sikh Peasants: Hardayal successfully organised Sikh farmers and other Indian settlers in California and British Columbia, tapping into their discontent with British rule. This grassroots mobilisation was critical for the Ghadar Movement’s efforts.
  • Intellectual Contributions: Hardayal was not only a revolutionary leader but also an intellectual. His writings critiqued British imperialism and advocated for self-culture among Indians. 
  • One notable work is “Hints for Self-Culture”, which encouraged personal development as a means of societal progress. His ideas resonated with many young Indians at the time, inspiring them to join the freedom struggle.


Revolutionary Activities:

  • During World War I, Hardayal’s activities intensified. 
  • He collaborated with German intelligence to plan uprisings in India, believing that the war would provide an opportune moment to strike against British forces. However, his plans faced significant challenges, leading to his eventual arrest by U.S. authorities in 1914 for spreading anarchist literature.

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