HYLENR: Cold Fusion Technology for Clean Energy Generation

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HYLENR: Cold Fusion Technology for Clean Energy Generation


An Indian startup, HYLENR, has gained a groundbreaking milestone by demonstrating the world’s first cold fusion technology for clean energy generation

The company, based in Hyderabad, has developed a patented Low Energy Nuclear Reactor (LENR) that promises to revolutionise power generation.


Key Highlights:

  • Heat Amplification Ratio: Achieved consistent 1.5x heat amplification (150 watts from 100W input) during a live demonstration.
    • The Science Behind It: Hydrogen cold fusion occurs as two hydrogen atoms come and generate fusion. 
      • That creates Helium3 (unstable) and then another hydrogen atom fuses and this creates Helium4 (stable). The release of this excess hydrogen is creating this heat.
  • HYLENR has spent a decade developing its LENR technology and plans to invest further and raise funds for commercialisation. 
  • They currently operate an R&D facility at T-HUB in Hyderabad and plan to establish another in Bengaluru.
  • Earlier in April, US-based fusion startup Zap Energy achieved plasma electron temperatures of 1-3 keV with their small-scale, compact device, equivalent to 20 to 66 million ℉ (11 to 37 million ℃).


How HYLENR Works?

  • HYLENR’s reactors utilise LENR (commonly known as “cold fusion”).
  • By applying milligrams of hydrogen and a small volume of electricity, these reactors stimulate and generate excess heat through fusion.
  • They can produce at least 1.5 times more energy heat than the input energy, making them highly desirable for power generation.



  • Space Applications (MMRTG): The technology can provide heat for space missions.
  • Steam Generation: Suitable for various applications.
  • Room Heating: Especially beneficial in cold regions globally.
  • Induction Heating: It is useful for domestic and industrial requirements.
  • Reduced Risk Profile: HYLENR devices can significantly decrease risk in space missions.


The Patent and Future Goals:

  • The Indian government has granted a patent for HYLENR’s innovative technology.
  • The company aims to scale up the output to achieve 2.5 times the input energy for cold fusion.
  • HYLENR seeks to integrate LENR with existing power generation systems, enhancing efficiency and reducing reliance on traditional energy sources.


HYLENR: Cold Fusion Technology for Clean Energy Generation


Nuclear Fusion

  • Nuclear fusion reactions power the sun and other stars.
  • The reaction happens when two light nuclei merge to form a single heavier nucleus.
    • Because the total mass of that single nucleus is less than the mass of the two original nuclei, the leftover mass is energy that is released in the process.
  • Sun’s Fusion: The Sun’s extreme heat (millions of degrees Celsius) and gravity overcome the natural repulsion between nuclei, allowing fusion to occur.
  • Scientific Goal:   
  • Promising Reaction: The research focuses on fusing deuterium and tritium.
  • A combination releases “much more energy than most fusion reactions” and requires less heat to do so.


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