Unveiling the Universe: MACE, India’s Revolutionary Gamma-Ray Telescope

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Unveiling the Universe: MACE, India’s Revolutionary Gamma-Ray Telescope
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Unveiling the Universe: MACE, India’s Revolutionary Gamma-Ray Telescope

Unveiling the Universe.

MACE is a cutting-edge gamma-ray telescope that stands as a testament to India’s prowess in scientific research and technological innovation. Located at Hanle, Ladakh, at an altitude of 4.3 kilometres, MACE is the highest Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope (IACT) in the world and boasts the largest reflector dish in Asia.

This ambitious project is a collaborative effort of India’s premier institutions, including the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) and the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR). The telescope is designed to study cosmic gamma rays with energies exceeding 20 billion electron volts (eV), unlocking the mysteries of the high-energy universe and addressing fundamental questions in particle physics, cosmology, and astrophysics​​.


Gamma-Ray Astronomy: A New Window to the Cosmos

Gamma rays are the most energetic form of light, originating from extreme cosmic events like supernovae, pulsars, and gamma-ray bursts. These high-energy photons carry invaluable information about their sources but are blocked by Earth’s atmosphere, necessitating indirect ground-based detection methods.

MACE employs the Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Technique (IACT) to detect Cherenkov radiation—faint blue light produced when gamma rays interact with atmospheric particles. This method enables the study of distant, energetic celestial phenomena with unparalleled sensitivity​​.


Design and Technology of MACE

  1. Location and Structure

The high-altitude location of Hanle minimises atmospheric interference and enhances sensitivity to low-energy gamma rays. MACE’s 21-meter quasi-parabolic reflector is segmented into 356 hexagonal mirrors arranged in a honeycomb pattern. This innovative design increases light collection efficiency while reducing weight, ensuring stability in Ladakh’s harsh environment​​.

  1. Advanced Camera and Electronics

The telescope’s high-resolution camera comprises 1,088 photomultiplier tubes (PMTs), which detect faint Cherenkov signals and amplify them for real-time analysis. Integrated electronics within the camera process the signals into digital data, enabling precise reconstruction of gamma-ray properties. This system ensures that MACE can observe transient and steady-state celestial phenomena​​.

  1. Mobility and Precision

MACE’s 180-ton structure is mounted on an altitude-azimuth drive system, allowing seamless horizontal and vertical movements. This enables the telescope to quickly focus on gamma-ray bursts or other transient events, ensuring comprehensive sky coverage​​.


Scientific Goals of MACE

  1. Understanding Cosmic Phenomena

The MACE telescope is designed to study some of the most powerful and mysterious events in the universe. One of its goals is to observe pulsars, which are rapidly spinning stars, and supernova remnants, the remains of massive stars that exploded. These objects act as natural laboratories where particles are accelerated to incredibly high speeds, helping scientists understand cosmic forces.

MACE will also study Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), which are regions at the centre of galaxies where supermassive black holes shoot out jets of energy. These jets provide clues about the strange behaviour of matter near black holes. Another exciting target for MACE is Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs), which are brief but extremely bright explosions that release massive amounts of energy in a short time. By studying these incredible phenomena, MACE will help uncover the secrets of the universe’s most extreme environments and teach us more about the forces that shape our cosmos.

  1. Probing Dark Matter

Dark matter makes up about 85% of the universe’s mass, but its nature remains unknown. Scientists believe it could be made of particles called Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs). These particles are thought to release gamma rays when they collide and destroy each other or when they decay. The MACE telescope will search for these gamma-ray signals to help uncover the secrets of dark matter. By studying these signals, MACE may provide valuable clues about what dark matter is made of, solving one of the biggest mysteries in understanding the universe.Top of Form

  1. Addressing Fundamental Physics

MACE has the ability to explore exciting concepts in physics. One is Lorentz Invariance Violation (LIV), which could reveal tiny changes to Einstein’s theory of relativity when studied at very small, quantum levels. Another area of investigation is Photon-Axion Oscillations, where photons might transform into axion-like particles and back again. These axions are mysterious particles that could provide clues about new physics beyond what we currently understand in the Standard Model. By studying these phenomena, MACE may uncover groundbreaking insights into the fundamental rules that govern the universe.

  1. Bridging Energy Gaps

MACE is highly sensitive to gamma rays in the 10–100 GeV range, filling an important gap in observations that neither space-based instruments like Fermi-LAT nor ground-based observatories like MAGIC and HESS can fully cover. This unique capability allows scientists to study gamma rays across different energy ranges, combining data from multiple sources. It also helps connect observations from gamma rays with other signals like gravitational waves or neutrinos, opening up exciting possibilities for multi-wavelength and multi-messenger astronomy. MACE’s work in this area will provide a more complete picture of the universe’s most energetic events.


Challenges in Building MACE

The construction of MACE faced several technical and environmental challenges:

  1. Harsh Conditions: Hanle’s cold temperatures and strong winds required the development of robust materials and systems.
  2. Complex Design: Aligning 356 mirrors into a quasi-parabolic reflector while maintaining precision was a significant engineering challenge.
  3. Data Management: The telescope generates approximately 50 GB of data per hour, necessitating sophisticated storage and analysis pipelines​​.

Despite these hurdles, the dedication of Indian scientists and engineers ensured the successful deployment of MACE. The project exemplifies the “Atma Nirbhar Bharat” initiative, with most components designed and manufactured domestically​​.


MACE’s Place in the Global Context

MACE complements international gamma-ray observatories like MAGIC in Spain and VERITAS in the United States. Its geographical location fills a critical gap in global longitudinal coverage, enabling coordinated observations. Furthermore, MACE contributes to multi-messenger astronomy by combining gamma-ray data with neutrino and gravitational wave detections, advancing the study of transient cosmic events​​.


India’s Legacy in Gamma-Ray Astronomy

India’s journey in gamma-ray astronomy began over five decades ago with pioneering efforts at Ooty and Pachmarhi. The success of TACTIC and HAGAR telescopes laid the groundwork for MACE, which now positions India as a leader in high-energy astrophysics. This legacy highlights India’s commitment to advancing science and fostering international collaboration​​.


Future Prospects

The MACE telescope has a bright future, offering exciting possibilities in astronomy. It will help scientists discover new gamma-ray sources, including faint objects and those located far away in the universe. By observing energetic events like active galactic nuclei (AGN) and gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) over long periods, MACE will deepen our understanding of how these cosmic phenomena work. Moreover, MACE’s findings and technology will support the creation of advanced telescopes, like the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), which are the next big step in studying high-energy astronomy. This ensures that India remains a key player in uncovering the universe’s mysteries, paving the way for more groundbreaking discoveries in the future.



The Major Atmospheric Cherenkov Experiment (MACE) is a proud achievement for India, placing the country among global leaders in space science, especially in astrophysics, particle physics, and cosmology. Built in Hanle, Ladakh, one of the highest observatory sites in the world, MACE uses advanced technology and has unique capabilities. It is the largest gamma-ray telescope in Asia and plays a key role in solving some of the universe’s biggest mysteries.

MACE can detect Very High Energy (VHE) gamma rays, filling an important gap in astronomy. This allows scientists to study exciting objects like pulsars, exploding stars (supernovae), and distant galaxies with active black holes. It also searches for dark matter by detecting gamma rays from dense regions of space, possibly proving the existence of mysterious particles called WIMPs. Besides, MACE can explore the Extragalactic Background Light (EBL) and test theories about the universe’s evolution and fundamental physics laws.

Beyond science, MACE represents India’s technological growth under the “Atma Nirbhar Bharat” initiative, showcasing the country’s own innovations in optics, electronics, and engineering. As MACE begins its work, it promises to deepen our understanding of powerful cosmic events, encourage global teamwork, and leave a lasting mark on our exploration of the universe.

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